Icycle r8uc
Icycle r8uc

icycle r8uc

(a) Biases (forecast − observation) and (b) RMS errors for 12-h forecasts of 2-m temperature averaged over the CONUS domain ( Fig. RAP forecast error vs METAR surface observations.

icycle r8uc

Circled regions are affected by the air mass formed over sea ice. Also 2-m temperature errors (☌, forecast − observation, red for + and blue for −) with (b) old and (c) new treatment of sea ice. (a) RAP 12-h forecast over Alaska for 850-hPa temperature (colors, ☌), height (contours, m), and wind barbs (knots 1 kt = 0.51 m s −1). 1).Ĭomparison of Rapid Refresh 12-h forecasts, valid at 0000 UTC, of (a) skin temperature, (b) sensible heat flux, and (c) flux into snow/sea ice in the Arctic region of RAP, for the RUC LSM (left) without and (right) with sea ice parameterization. The 2-m temperature bias (forecast − observations) from the RAP 12-h forecasts using 6-level (red) and 9-level (blue) versions of the RUC LSM over the entire RUC domain ( Fig. Topography image (elevation in meters) of the North America RAP domain with embedded RUC domain also shown.

Icycle r8uc